Whether you're creating maps for a novel, rpg, or just for fun, this collection of tutorials and map tips will help you create more professional and believable maps for your story!
Creating a River On Your City Maps with The City Map Builder
What is the best way to create a river on your map using the City Map Builder? Adding buildings, forests, and other features is pretty straight forward, but how do you add something like a stream flowing through your settlement? In this tutorial I’ll walk you through my favorite method so you can easily add some interesting rivers to your maps!

How to Create and Shade City Walls
In this tutorial, I will show you how to build fortifications for your settlement using the brushes included in the City Map Builder. And even if you don’t own that particular tool, there will be plenty to glean and apply to your own hand-drawn city maps!
How to Create a Hill Shrine with the City Map Builder
How can you use the grassland brushes included in the City Map Builder to create a Hill Shrine? Here you’ll find some tips on using the grassland brushes so you can begin using them to create interesting settings of your own on your fantasy maps.
And if you’re drawing everything by hand rather than using the map builder, stick around and you’ll find a lot of helpful tips you can apply to your own work.