5 Reasons to Create a Map for Your Fantasy World
Creating your own fantasy world is frankly a lot of fun, but it can quickly become overwhelming. With so many locations, cultures, and events to keep track of, it's easy to get lost in the details of your own world. Here are 5 reasons you should grab a piece of paper and start mapping your story!

Portals to the Underworld - Worldbuilding with Mayans
Everyone knows you need to draw rivers on your fantasy map if you want it to be realistic…right? Access to fresh water is necessary for cities and villages to thrive, but did you know that despite the Mayans living in a region where jungles could flourish, the area is nearly devoid of rivers? How could they not only survive, but build one of the most impressive civilizations we only now are beginning to recognize?

Floating Gardens - Worldbuilding with Aztecs
Cities and villages obviously need food to survive, so like the rest of us you’ve probably found yourself drawing the same rows of fields all around your fantasy map for your city or village. But what if you want to create something a little more interesting and make your worldbuilding stand out? It turns out with a little digging, you can find some fascinating and effective methods for farming in unlikely places throughout history. The floating gardens of the Aztecs or “chinampas” are a perfect example.

Does Your City Need Walls?

Quickly Create Fantasy Maps in Procreate

Where to Place Forests On Your Map

How To Make Your Own Ink From Walnuts

What Makes a Map “Good?” 3 Keys to Creating Memorable Fantasy Maps

Creating Fantasy Maps Of Your Own With a Few Easy Clicks | Map Effects Photoshop Tutorial

Make Money Drawing Fantasy Maps: How to Start Today

Where To Place Deserts On A Map

Creating Unique Place Names On Fantasy Maps

Picking The Best Canvas Size for Your Map

The Two Rivers Map | The Process

Where to Place Cities On Your Map

Filling the "Blank" Areas of Your Map

How to Add Paper Textures to Your Fantasy Maps
Adding texture to your fantasy maps is a great way to make it feel like an authentic relic from the world you've creating. Fortunately it's not difficult to build layers of texture on your maps; if you know a few of the tricks I'm going to show you today.

Telling a Story With Your Map

Random Hobbies are Your Superpower - Unique Worldbuilding