Whether you're creating maps for a novel, rpg, or just for fun, this collection of tutorials and map tips will help you create more professional and believable maps for your story!

Placing Rain Shadow Deserts On Your Fantasy Maps
Why do some mountain ranges have a lush forest on one side and a desert on the other? In this Map Tip we’ll look at how a rain shadow desert can form so you can draw them on your own maps.

How to Draw Sand Dunes
Drawing a plateau on your fantasy map is a simple way to make the landscape of your world stand out from the flat terrain you see on most maps. In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw impressive cliffs that rise out of the landscape. Which can become key storytelling features in the world you're creating for your next book or role-playing campaign.
How Does an Oasis Form in a Desert?
How does something as lush as an oasis form in a place like a desert? At first glance it may not make sense, but knowing a few simple principles can go a long way in helping you know where to place an oasis on your fantasy maps. It’s little pieces of information on how geology works in the real world that can add a whole new layer of depth and realism to your worldbuilding.

How to Draw Plateaus & Cliffs
Drawing a plateau on your fantasy map is a simple way to make the landscape of your world stand out from the flat terrain you see on most maps. In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw impressive cliffs that rise out of the landscape. Which can become key storytelling features in the world you're creating for your next book or role-playing campaign.