Whether you're creating maps for a novel, rpg, or just for fun, this collection of tutorials and map tips will help you create more professional and believable maps for your story!

7 Ways to Create Depth on Your Fantasy Maps
Do all the features on your fantasy map look a bit…flat? If you want to quickly step up the quality of your maps for the book you’re writing, or your next rpg campaign, then learning how to add some depth to can go a long way.

A Simple Way to Create Depth on Your Maps
Most fantasy maps you see have a relatively flat landscape, with a few mountains, forests, and settlements placed on top. But, occasionally you’ll find a cartographer who makes the entire landscape look like it is popping off the page. In this guest tutorial, Gerralt Landman will share with you his secret to iconic maps with their amazing depth and dimension.

Using Shape Language to Give Your Maps Character
Did you know that the shapes you use when drawing features on your fantasy maps can actually cause certain emotional triggers in the viewer? In this guest tutorial, Gerralt (DimensionDoor_Maps) will walk you through how you can use the power of shape language to give your maps more character!
Avoiding Visual Tangents
Visual tangents are one of those things that can creep into your work. The worst part is they draw attention to themselves because they’re by nature distracting. So what are they and how can you avoid them when drawing your fantasy maps?

How to Make Place Names Easier to Read On Your Map
After hours of working on your fantasy map, you’re nearly done! The only thing left to do is add the place names…easy enough right? Until you add a couple and realize how difficult they are to read! But the question is, do you need to start over or is there something you can do about it?